Name: [Classified],         Assignned Name: Q.U.O.N.*
Recipe Wrangler

Hobbies: Organic Gardening/Tropical Agriculture, Knives, Code Breaking

Occupation: Former Black Ops, Field Surveillance in territories of Central & South America

Quon (Jeri Lynn Endo) was a black market baby of unknown origin, adopted by an elderly childless couple in Maryland. She was raised in an environment of politics, military, and foreign service. As a teen, she ran away to live in sunny CA. Five years later, she met L.A. in LA, at a street faire, married that afternoon and honeymooned that evening in Venice (not Italy.)

For years, unbeknownst to friends, family and even her spouse, she led a double life under the cover of a traveling herbal cosmetics & supplement marketing representative. To public knowledge Quon lost her sight at an international trade show demonstrating a new mascara, and contracting a virulent strain of Pink Eyes. 

'IRL,' she was the first recipient of black ops surgical tech eye implants, Q.U. O. N., but honorably discharged to hush the fact that the experimental surgery had failed expectations. The intense pain of her 'injuries' introduced her to additional herbal remedies. She still holds out hope to one day see normally again, and refuses to identify herself as blind. 

Over the past several years, it seems her other senses have compensated for her 'loss.' Along with her elite training in sensory perception and Pavlovian reactions, Quon is not one to be taken lightly. She is also the only crew member who seems to understand what Teddy is saying at any given time. 

Although reluctant at first, Quon has been inspired by her recent experience with Potluck to consult on recipes and develop a cookbook with Smooch.

*Quantifiable. Unilateral. Optical. Nerves.

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